Tatalaksana epidural hematoma pdf

Tindakan pertolongan pertama pada epidural hematoma. Epidural hematoma occurs as a result of head trauma and subsequent acute hemorrhage, primarily from the middle meningeal artery between the skull and the dura mater. A blow to the head with a hard object or getting up and banging the head against an overhead cupboard or a heavy shelf could cause a skull fracture with a line in the temporal bone of the skull. This patient had a spinal epidural hematoma, which is defined as a spontaneous collection of blood in the spinal epidural space. Epidural hematoma occurs in about 1% of all patients with severe head injuries. Hematoma jenis ini dapat terjadi ketika pembuluh darah rusak, misalnya pada beberapa lapisan pelindung otak hematoma epidural dan hematoma subdural, atau di dalam jaringan otak hematoma interserebral. Epidural hematoma edh is an easily treated form of head injury that is often associated with a good prognosis. Epidural hematoma an overview sciencedirect topics.

Epidural hematom dan subdural hematom subdural hematoma adalah perdarahan yang terjadi antara duramater dan araknoid, biasanya sering di daerah frontal, pariental dan temporal. Ketiga jenis hematoma ini membutuhkan penanganan medis secepatnya guna. Epidural hematoma definition and patient education. Edhs are about half as common as a subdural hematomas and usually occur in young adults. Epidural hematoma usually associated with a skull fracture.

Baixe no formato ppt, pdf, txt ou leia online no scribd sinalizar por conteudo inapropriado salvar salvar tatalaksana epidural hematoma. Baixe no formato ppt, pdf, txt ou leia online no scribd. Diagnosis is by mri or, if not immediately available, by ct myelography. Standard management is early diagnosis and immediate surgical. The classic epidural hematoma is observed with a linear skull fracture of the temporal bone, which tears the middle meningeal artery, allowing. This report considers 19 cases of bilateral epidural hematoma hospitalized between 1987 and 1997. The fraction of comatose headinjury patients with subdural hematoma is greater, but still only about 10%. The full text of this article is available in pdf format. Pengobatan medikamentosa penyakkt epidural hematoma k. It is necessary to consider a number of interacting factors which result in the production of an epidural hematoma. Sep 30, 2010 spinal epidural hematoma is a rare complication associated with pain control procedures such as facet block, acupuncture, epidural injection, etc. An epidural hematoma edh occurs when blood accumulates between the skull and the dura mater, the thick membrane covering the.

In the cervical spine, patients can present with neurological deficits ranging from focal cervical radiculopathy to complete quadriplegia. The hematoma is denser and homogenous so easily identified. The classic epidural hematoma is observed with a linear skull fracture of the temporal bone, which tears the middle meningeal artery, allowing blood to accumulate under pressure in the epidural space. Penatalaksanaan perioperatif cedera kepala traumatik berat. Epidural hematomas are the direct result of physical trauma to the head. Hematoma epidural adalah perdarahan intrakranial yang terjadi karena fraktur tulang tengkorak akibat cedera kepala dimana terdapat akumulasi darah dalam.

Jul 20, 2008 spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma sseh is a relatively rare disease. Spinal epidural hematomas edh are a rare spinal pathology which can result in serious morbidity with delayed or nontreatment. Epidural hematoma trh11 3 diagnosis for other diagnostic evaluation see p. Selain itu, pada buku ini turut disajikan hasil penelitian tentang kasus subdural hematoma, yang bertujuan melihat pengaruh. On ct, the hematoma forms a hyperdense biconvex mass. Epidural hematoma knowledge for medical students and. Often there is loss of consciousness following a head injury, a brief regaining of consciousness, and then loss of consciousness again. Although surgery remains the treatment of choice for extradural hematomas edh, there were many cases. The morbidity and mortality result from mass effect on the brain as the hematoma expands and strips the dura away from the skull. Epidural hematoma free download as powerpoint presentation.

Meskipun beberapa laporan akhirakhir ini menggambarkan tatalaksan konservatif pada epidural hematoma, evakuasi pembedahan merupakan tatalaksana pada kondisi ini. Extradural hematoma edh, also known as an epidural hematoma, is a collection of blood that forms between the inner surface of the skull and outer layer of the dura, which is called the endosteal layer. Penyebab sistemik seperti hipoksemi, hiperkapni, hipotensi, anemi, hipertensi, hipoglikemi, hipertermi, sepsis. Ketiga jenis hematoma ini membutuhkan penanganan medis secepatnya guna mencegah kerusakan otak secara permanen. Epidural hematoma edh, also known as extradural hematoma, is a hemorrhage into the space between the dura and the overlying calvarium. Cedera kepala ringan dapat ditangani hanya dengan observasi neurologis dan membersihkan atau. The inciting event often is a focused blow to the head, such as that produced by a hammer or baseball bat. Neuraxial hematoma after obstetric epidural analgesia or anesthesia is extremely rare. Sdhs form between the dura and the arachnoid membranes edhs arise in the potential space between the dura and the skull. An epidural hematoma can be another cause of a headache, which usually has a traumatic origin. Sdhs form between the dur it seems to us that you have your javascript disabled on your browser. T1 weighted mri showing an older subdural hematoma on the left and a newer one on the right. Epidural hematoma terjadi pada 1% trauma kepala, insiden tertinggi terjadi pada usia 2030 tahun, jarang terjadi pada usia dibawah 2 tahun atau lebih dari 60 tahun, disebabkan dura yang melekat erat pada tabula interna skull.

Hematoma epidural paling sering terjadi di daerah perietotemporal akibat robekan arteria meningea media. Incidence, hospital costs and inhospital mortality rates of epidural hematoma in the united states. In rare instances, such hemorrhages can be spontaneous. A 15 year old1 boy was hit on the temple2a2b with a baseball and he became unconscious3. Typical symptoms are due to compression of the brain and appear after a lucid interval that.

Head injury definition a history of a blow to the head or the presence of a scalp wound or those with evidence of altered consciousness after a relevant injury. Penyulit tindakan bedah pada penyakit epidural hematoma n. Advances in contemporary ct imaging have made confirmation of an edh diagnosis rapid and accurate. Trh1 lp is absolutely contraindicated csf pressure 200 mmh 2 o, csf clear bloody if there was contusion or laceration of brain skull xray may show associated skull fracture e. Some of the most likely causes of an epidural hematoma include. Taking measures to save the persons life controlling symptoms. Pasien harus dirawat jika terdapat penurunan tingkat kesadaran, fraktur kranium dan tanda neurologis fokal. The usual clinical presentation of sseh is sudden neck or back pain that progresses toward. Penatalaksanaan cedera kepala difokuskan pada pencegahan dan pengelolaan cedera sekunder. Tindakan operasi pada penyakit epidural hematoma l. Spinal subdural or epidural hematoma neurologic disorders. Epidural hematoma terjadi pada 1% trauma kepala, insiden tertinggi terjadi pada usia 2030 tahun, jarang terjadi pada usia dibawah 2 tahun atau lebih dari 60.

Epidural hematoma in emergency medicine differential diagnoses. The most common cause of cranial epidural hematoma is head trauma, which is some kind of blow to the head. Typical symptoms are due to compression of the brain and appear after a lucid interval that follows an initial loss of consciousness. Spinal epidural hematoma seh is a very rare cause of acute spinal cord compression and is estimated to occur in approximately 0. Epidural bleeding is often rapid because it is usually from arteries, which are highpressure. Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma sseh is a relatively rare disease. All of the cases, with the exception of three, were diagnosed within. Epidural hematoma, cranial sutures, head trauma, children.

Epidural hematoma edh is a traumatic accumulation of blood between the inner table of the skull and the strippedoff dural membrane. Epidural hematoma penn state hershey medical center. Information about epidural hematoma edh general information. Spinal epidural hematoma after pain control procedure. Epidural hematoma is a topic covered in the diseases and disorders to view the entire topic, please sign in or purchase a subscription nursing central is an awardwinning, complete mobile solution for nurses and students. The patient presented with foot drop, which resolved after conservative treatment. We present a case of a puerperal spinal epidural hematoma following epidural labor analgesia. Material and methods we conducted a retrospective study on 56 consecutive cases of extradural hematomas admitted to the 3rd neurosurgical department of bagdasararseni emergency hospital in bucharest, treated conservatively. Subdural hematoma sdh and epidural hematoma edh are characterized by bleeding into the spaces surrounding the brain or spinal cord.

An epidural hematoma edh occurs when blood accumulates between the skull and the dura mater, the thick membrane covering the brain. Epidural hematoma trh11 2 body has no mechanism for absorption of extradural hemorrhage clotted blood remains in epidural space as tumor until it is removed. A spinal subdural or epidural hematoma is an accumulation of blood in the subdural or epidural space that can mechanically compress the spinal cord. Trauma or other injury to your head can cause your brain to bounce.

Epidural haematoma extradural haemorrhage slideshare. Epidural hematoma knowledge for medical students and physicians. Puerperal ventral epidural hematoma after epidural labor. Since the introduction of ct, the frequency of this occurrence has gone up from 6% to 30%. Pdf acute epidural hematomas present a serious and urgent condition. Mri may be useful to identify small epidural hematomas from subdural ones. Posttraumatic acute epidural hematoma edh is generally visible on the ct scan done immediately after admission. Although it is an uncommon cause of acute myelopathy, and it may require surgical evacuation.

Apr, 2016 epidural hematoma edh is an easily treated form of head injury that is often associated with a good prognosis. Biasanya terletak di area temporal atau temporo parietal. Spinal epidural hematoma radiology reference article. Epidural hematoma is when bleeding occurs between the tough outer membrane covering the brain dura mater and the skull. Epidural hematoma history trauma etiology laceration of middle meningeal artery finding lensbiconvex shape hyperdensity midline shift no cross suture mass effect ventricular compression displacement of grey white interface take home message. An epidural hematoma edh is an extraaxial collection of blood within the potential space between the outer layer of the dura mater and the. The space occupied by epidural hematoma is limited by adherence of dura to the inner table of the skull, especially at the sutural lines, which contributes to the lenticular or biconvex appearance in the ct scan. Nov 02, 2015 epidural haematoma extradural haemorrhage 1. Craniotomi atau laminektomi diperlukan untuk evakuasi pada hematoma, koagulasi pada daerah perdarahan, dan inspeksi dura. This condition is an extremely rare postoperative complication of ventriculoperitoneal shunt and contralateral. Look up information on diseases, tests, and procedures. The pathophysiology of intracranial epidural hemorrhage physiology of intracranial hematoma formation. An epidural hematoma occurs when a mass of blood forms in the space between your skull and the protective covering of your brain. The mechanisms responsible for the delayed appearance of the epidural hematoma a.

Epidural hematoma represents acute bleeding into the epidural space. Epidural hematom adalah perdarahan intrakranial yang terjadi karena fraktur tulang tengkorak dalam ruang antara tabula interna kranii dengan duramater hematoma epiduralmerupakan gejala sisa yang serius akibat cedera kepala dan menyebabkan angka mortalitas sekitar 50%. Minor subdural hematomas ct showing a subdural hematoma in the anterior portion of the skull and soft tissue swelling on the left posterolateral surface. Read more about symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, complications, causes and prognosis. Surgical management of acute epidural hematomas request pdf. Started in 1995, this collection now contains 6767 interlinked topic pages divided into a tree of 31 specialty books and 732 chapters. They are typically considered a surgical emergency. Other symptoms may include headache, confusion, vomiting, and an inability to move parts of the body. Pdf abstrak epidural hematoma akut merupakan suatu keadaan yang urgent dan serius. They typically occur when a skull fracture tears an underlying blood vessel.

Any intracranial hematoma is produced when an opening is made in the wall of an intracranial blood vessel. After about ten minutes, he regained consciousness, but he soon became lethargic, and over the next two hours, he was stuporous4. Oct 27, 2016 epidural hematoma edh is a traumatic accumulation of blood between the inner table of the skull and the strippedoff dural membrane. Hematoma intrakranial hematoma yang muncul pada rongga kepala. Hematom epidural terletak di luar dura tetapi di dalam rongga tengkorak dan gambarannya berbentuk bikonveks atau menyerupai. A head ct scan will confirm the diagnosis of edh, and will pinpoint the exact location of the hematoma and any associated skull fracture. Epidural hematoma is an indication for emergency neurosurgical intervention. Spinal epidural hematoma is a rare complication associated with pain control procedures such as facet block, acupuncture, epidural injection, etc. Dec 07, 2017 epidural hematomas are the direct result of physical trauma to the head. The morbidity and mortality result from mass effect on the brain as the hematoma. Epidural hematoma is the accumulation of blood in the space between dura and bone in the cranial or spinal region. Epidural hematoma is usually found on the same side of the brain that was impacted by the blow, but on very rare occasions it can be due to a contrecoup injury.

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